This week has been slower than the past few because it was Thanksgiving. However, I still got in plenty of hours and thankfully the mix up at the beginning of the semester won’t effect my hours anymore. I’m on track to finish this semester with 135 volunteer hours at the Anthracite Heritage Museum.
I’ve been cataloguing some objects into Argus this week. One collection was a framed lithograph, a photograph, a brass plaque, and then an insurance map. These were all from the Sauquoit Silk Plant in Scranton, PA. When entering these objects into Argus, I first give them an object number. Once they are assigned an object number, I give the object a general description, take note of the condition, then indicate who donated it, and where the object currently is. Giving a description and/or dimensions of objects can sometimes be difficult because I only have pictures to reference. This semester has definitely been different in terms of how we learn and work, but I’m happy to have had the opportunity to volunteer at AHM this semester. Next week is my last week and I will miss the exposure to so many interesting things!