Peace Corps

In 1963, Miss Recordia, the school news paper published an article which discussed the peace corps recruiting a graduate to go to India and teach mathematics – science. The recruit was one of thirty two who agreed to help introduce English in the mathematics program in public high schools in Andhra Pradesh.  I would like to some research and see if this program is still active and how it recruits. For example, how did a student from a small catholic college in PA, USA get selected to go to India and participate? I wonder if programs like these are still happening and in other places. I feel like it would be a good idea to have programs like this in third world countries, just so kids are getting educated and learning English. What would be the requirements to be brought in to the organization and must there be a global reason for the group to be started, like war?

Miss Recordia, “Peace Corps Drafts June Graduate To Teach Math Science In India,” Newspaper media , (Sept. 25, 1963). University  Newspaper collections, RG830, Sister Mary Carmel McGarigle Archives, Misericordia University, Dallas, PA.

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