AHM Internship – Week 6

This week at Anthracite Heritage Museum, I was able to finally start the printing process of the photographs for this exhibit. It’s one thing to sit and talk about the photographs that will be included but to do the hands-on work and actually print them is another thing. This means that the exhibit is actually almost here. It is so exciting, since I have been working on this project since May. Now we are all getting into gear as we only have a little more than a month until the exhibit opens. The photographs I have printed out so far, have come out beautiful. I cannot wait to see what they look like matted and framed.

However, now that we getting closer to the opening, it is requiring a little multi-tasking as now everything needs to start being wrapped up such as the catalog for the exhibit, preparing the actual exhibit space, and going over and last minute details that have yet to be addressed. So far, everything is getting completed and we are on schedule and hopefully, barring any curves, we will stay on schedule.

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