I started my first week back at the Anthracite Heritage Museum for the summer. This summer, I am working with another intern who was taken on at the museum, so we will be able to collaborate on larger projects.
Because it is our first week, we had a sort of orientation to get adjusted to work there. For the first day, I did online training as mandated by the state for employees. For the next few days, I had the chance to help put newly accessioned items into Argus, the cataloging program used by the PHMC. This is something I had done in my internship in the spring, but I appreciated being able to do it again to get a reminder on how the process works and to help the other intern, Ethan, learn how to use the program.
On Wednesday, we went to Eckley Miner’s Village. I had never been to the site before, nor have I ever worked at a historical site, so I was excited to learn that we would be going weekly as part of our internship. We got to tour the village and see the storage areas for artifacts. We got to view a show house that is interpreted as an average 1950’s home in Eckley. We spent the rest of the day cleaning the artifacts in the house.
I was excited to come back to the museum and my first week had already allowed me to expand more on my previous internship. I am excited to continue to work both at the museum and Eckley, as I think it will give me a well-rounded educational experience.