Last week I continued my work on finding companies that would be able to help us with putting adhesive overlays on panels for one of our buildings. I got in contact with a couple of companies that were able to give me quotes for what we needed. I had to send them our art files for the panels that we have now, and pictures of the placement of the print. Now it is just a waiting game to see which company can give me the lowest quote for what we need to do, and then have them come out and actually install them in the building. I also continue to give tours to the visitors of Eckley, and everyday that I give a tour, I continuously learn new things. Whenever I go out on tours and I give my speech, I am constantly amazed at how these miners lived. The house that I take people into just amazes me at how so many people fit into such a tiny house. They practically lived with nothing back then, and they were happy with it. Anything was better than what they had back in their homeland I’m sure. So far, I am really enjoying my experience here at Eckley; it is giving me a good background on what I would be doing in my future career if I choose to go into museum work.