It is the end of my second week here at the National Federation of the Blind. This week has been very eye opening for me. Going into this I knew some things about the blind, but when my fellow interns arrived on Sunday, I learned so much more. Over the past week, myself and the other interns, Kenia, Lillie, Vee, and David have gotten to know each other better, and bonded. They are teaching me just in this week things I did not know about the blind, and just about life in general. They all have positive outlooks on life, and it really is an inspiration.
In the library this week, I have been working on the Jacobus tenBroek collection and entering files into the libraries database. I have also worked on rehousing some copies of the Braille Monitor and Dialogue. Working on the tenBorek collection is a great experience for me, as I get to learn more about who Jacobus tenBroek was as a person, but also about the work that he wanted to achieve while President of the NFB. This weekend at the NFB there is a student seminar going on, and many student members have arrived already. I am looking forward to get to know some of them over the short period this weekend. I have helped to prepare some books that have to be shipped to Convention in July. During this time, I had the pleasure of meeting President Riccobono’s wife, Melissa. She is such a sweetheart and I am glad I got the opportunity to meet and talk to her. I am really looking forward to the rest of my time here at the NFB, as this experience has already proven to me that I want to have a career in the archival field. I have fallen in love with the city of Baltimore in the two short weeks I have been here, and could not be more happy with my decision to intern at the NFB.