AHM Internship – Week 3

My latest week at Anthracite Heritage Museum saw the end of an era. The last artifact located within the current exhibit space from the last exhibit was finally broken down and packed for shipment. Inside the previous exhibit, stood a large gatling gun that was used by the PA State Militia.



During the Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902, the PA State Militia offered prominent security figures to keep chaos from breaking out during negotiations. This specific artifact was on loan from the PHMC Military Museum for the last 16 years. I was able to assist in the work that took place such as packing the wheels. 


During this we found an amazing discovery; one wheel was shorter than the others and thus not an original. This was not known to anyone, including the Curator of AHM as everyone thought that each wheel was the same! After marking this discovery down in the condition reports, I helped to pack the items in their respective crates. The gatling gun will be officially leaving at the end of the month, marking the official end to the previous exhibit and the beginning of the new one.











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