Last week I completed the bid package for the printing companies, for the Dr. Office project. I emailed it to the museum director, and together we went over what needed to be added or changed. On Friday I started working on making patches out of printer paper, that way we can get an idea of what the patches themselves would look like and if they will be big enough for the sections. I plan on going down to the Dr. Office today to take pictures of the patches on the panels and make sure that they will be big enough. Hopefully by the end of the week, we can send out the bid package to the printing companies that we have selected. On Friday, I also did some curatorial things with this project. I had to look through old files that the director had in his office, to find some notes and artwork that I could not find on the computer. It was very interesting to go through these files, as I got to see how the Dr. Office exhibit came to be and all of the original planning. This project that I am working on has taken me longer than I thought because of the fact that we do not have many volunteers that are willing to do tours. On the days that I am here and we do not have a tour guide, which is most of the time, I have to go out and give the tours. I do not mind this at all; I love giving tours, but it frustrates me a bit that I am limited to the amount of work I can do here. The tours are about an hour and fifteen minutes long, so if I give them twice a day, that is already 2 and a half hours. I am only here for 5 hours so that leave me three hours to do research and work on things, that is just not enough time. At Eckley, there are not many volunteers, and there are only 6 people who actually work here. Eckley does not get as much funding from the state as it should, if we want to keep this place alive and all the history behind it, it should be better provided for. Interning here for the summer has brought to my attention the difficulties that non-profit organizations go through everyday. There is not enough help here, and the people who do volunteer here only come on certain days of the week. If there was more funding at Eckley and more volunteers and workers, then I think that this place would be the place to be during the summer. It is honestly so beautiful here, and I am glad I had this opportunity to be here this summer, despite some set backs. In between all of this, I have been working on my project for our 1940s weekend in August. I have developed an outline of what we need for the rotary telephone, now I have to work on developing a demo for the actual rotary phone itself. I plan on getting this done by the end of this week, so the educational coordinator can look over it and make any changes she needs to in time for the event in August.